Coping Mechanisms for Anxiety

Anxiety can build more quickly when your body has a surplus of energy. Develop a realistic, active routine to keep your body moving. Exercise is a recognized way to relieve stress and reduce blood pressure, which can help reduce anxiety. Here are some other ways:

  1. Get up and sing, dance, or play music
  2. Take a bath or shower
  3. Read, write, draw or paint
  4. Watch a movie
  5. Go outside, take a walk, and surround yourself with nature
  6. Exercise or play sports
  7. Get some sleep
  8. Eat balanced meals

Avoid Alcohol and Recreational Drugs:

These substances can increase or worsen anxiety. If you feel like you can’t control your substance use and need professional help, please see the e-sources page for access to resources. 

Use Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques:

Meditation, visualisation and breathing techniques are good ways to manage your anxiety or help reduce the symptoms. 

Keeping a journal can help you prioritize problems, fears, and concerns by tracking any symptoms day-to-day so that you can recognize triggers and learn ways to better control them. Providing an opportunity for positive self-talk and identifying negative thoughts and behaviours.